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This soundscape is based on a recording of an Anomalous Voice Phenomenon (AVP) made in 2008. An AVP is typically a recording containing one or more voices, but recorded in situations in which no humans were present to speak. AVPs are collected and studied by investigators interested in the paranormal.

This audio/visual experiment is labeled Starseed based on the transcription of the audio file provided at this link. According to those investigators, the recording captures a conversation between two individuals. The first asks "Why are they here?" The second replies "For Starseed." The first then asks "Can they see or hear us?" The second replies "Only if we let them."

In this soundscape, six copies of the AVP recording are hidden in distinct locations on the canvas, and each is processed in a unique way using Web Audio API. The relative volume and frequency modulation of the samples is controlled by the proximity of the gray nodes to those hidden locations. The nodes can be moved using your computer mouse, but are designed to drfit autonomously on their own. The volume node (dark gray) attracts the particles/starseed near it and the modulation node (light gray) repels particles. Although the volume and modulation nodes are visible, the overall effect is to allow the various pieces of dust to gradually reorganize themselves in ways that are not immediately apparent. After a few minutes, the scene randomizes itself and the visuals reorganize themselves anew.

R. Chris Fraley
2018 Aug 10

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