The Online Attraction Test
This page is designed to assess what type of people you are attracted to. After completing a number of ratings concerning your personality, we will ask you to rate the attractiveness of 100 photos. After these ratings, we will give you feedback on your results and how you compare to others.

Be aware that this study may take up to 50 minutes to complete. For best results, use the full range of the scale. However, use the maximum values relatively rarely (don't rate all pictures as 1's or 10's). This will make the results we can give you more accurate.

This page is for Psych 100 Subject Pool Participants. If you are not participating in this study through the Psych 100 Subject Pool, you should go to this website, where you can complete a shorter version of this test.

What is your Net ID?
  • Your NetID is the first part of your email address (e.g.,
  • You will only receive Psych 100 credit if you signed up for this study through the Psych 100 Subject Pool.
  • This survey is anonymous. Your NetID will be saved in a separate file from your answers as record that you completed the study. The answers you give cannot be connected to your identity.
You must be 18 years or older to participate. You'll be asked to fill out a personality questionnaire, which will be followed by a task of rating how attractive you find about 100 different men or women. When finished, the program will analyze your responses and provide you with a personalized summary of the information you provided.

You should print a copy of this form for your records. By clicking the button below, you certify that you are 18 years or older.

Informed Consent information:
This research is being conducted by Dr. R. Chris Fraley and by Dustin Wood, who are both affiliated with the Department of Psychology at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Some of the questions you will be asked are of a personal nature. The answers that you give will be entirely confidential and anonymous. We will not ask you to provide identifying information, and no attempt will be made on the part of the survey administrators to track the IP address of those who participate. Also remember that participation is completely voluntary. In order to receive feedback, however, you must complete all photo attractiveness ratings.

If you have any other questions concerning the purpose of the study, please email the survey administrator. If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in this research, please contact the University of Illinois Institutional Review Board at 217-333-2760 or via email at (you may call collect if you identify yourself as a research participant).

This study takes about half an hour to complete. Besides possible discomfort due to some of the questions and the time of participating, there are no known risks associated with this study. Participants in the study may find the results of the study to be interesting and potentially learn about interpersonal attraction among themselves and others. There are no other direct benefits of participating.
Results may be presented in journal articles or conference presentations.